July 22 TSBDC / KOSBE Webinar on Identifying Your Opportunities to Improveâ–¶
Presented by: David McClaskey, McClaskey Excellence Institute
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Using your mission to focus â–¶
Presented by: David McClaskey, McClaskey Excellence Institute
1 hour
The key to getting a group of people to work together is to have a common mission and use that mission to focus everything the group does. This seminar will show you how to do this. In just 60 minutes this webinar will show you how to create a useful mission statement and how to enable people to link in so they can use the mission statement to guide their behaviors to what is best for the mission.
John Maxwell Webinars

As a Certified John Maxwell Team member and President of McClaskey Excellence Institute, it will my privilege to review with you the key points made by John C. Maxwell in his webinars on What a leader needs to be so you position yourself for success. As many of you know, John Maxwell is considered one of the top leadership gurus in the world. He has written over 70 books and presented at countless conferences. His advice is both insightful, pragmatic, and hopeful.
Presented By:
David J. McClaskey, President, McClaskey Excellence Institute (formerly Pal’s Business Excellence Institute). McClaskey Excellence Institute has for the past 20 years helped 1,000’s of leaders through training and consulting create extraordinary organizations through operations excellence. (www.McClaskeyExcellence.com)
David has 50 years’ experience teaching and consulting with thousands of leaders from every type of business. He was the consultant and worked with 7 companies that have won 8 Baldrige Awards (the United State’s national award for excellence in leadership and management) including both Baldrige winners from the City of Kingsport: Eastman Chemical Company and Pal’s Sudden Service as well as both times The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company won the Award.

In a crisis, uncertainty significantly increases. As leaders, we still have to lead, even in this environment of increased uncertainty. John Maxwell’s advice is both insightful, pragmatic, and hopeful. One of the key points you will get out of this webinar is ideas on how to find the opportunities in these uncertain times.
As a Certified John Maxwell Team member, it is my privilege to review with you the key points made by John C. Maxwell on his April 13 webinar on “Leading under Uncertainty.” As many of you know, John Maxwell is considered one of the top leadership gurus in the world. He has written over 70 books and presented at countless conferences.

Coming Soon: Leadership-When it Matters Most: Maximizing the Moment
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As the result of a crisis, things will not stay the same. This webinar is about how you can personally change as a leader in a way that will make you more successful. The insights conveyed in this webinar about maximizing the moment by preparing yourself for the future are from John Maxwell, a world-expert on leadership.
To make tomorrow a success, focus on today. This webinar will discuss what you need to be so you are positioned for success. When opportunity comes, it is too late to prepare.