First and Second Level Supervisor Success

Most owners and general managers of business I know believe that the quality of the store/unit manager can impact sales and profitability of that store or unit by 25% of more.  Most are equally sure that their company has a long way to go before all their first or second level supervisors/managers are fully up to the task.  Why is this the case?  In many cases, it is because companies have not spent the time to develop their supervisors and managers to their leadership potential.  

The Pal’s BEI class “Equipping Managers to Be Successful” helps to address this gap.  It helps to develop your first and second level supervisors and managers so they can use more of their potential to carry out their key role; and thus to maximize your business results over the short term and long term.  

 Let me address two of the roles of first and second level supervisors/managers:  hiring and coaching.  These are two of the topics that are addressed within the “Equipping Managers to Be Successful” class.  For a store or unit to be operated with high levels of effectiveness and efficiency, the supervisors and managers must be good to excellent at both hiring and coaching.  

 Hiring:  A basic mind-set at Pal’s Sudden Service is to treat each new hire as an investment.  For your investment to have a good chance of paying off, you need to invest in the right person.  Of course, there is a need to fill a vacancy, but filling them with the wrong person will just lead to either having an ineffective person or having to fill the vacancy again. Everyone does the best they can with hiring, but that gets you the results you are getting right now.  In this class, you will learn some critical skills to increase your probability of making the right hiring choices.

Coaching:  One of the secrets of Pal’s world-class execution is having their managers be great at coaching.  Coaching is giving feedback on what is being done right and what can be done to do the job even better.  Due to lack of time and skill on the part of first and second level supervisors and managers to do coaching, employees in many businesses are left at a relatively mediocre level of performance. This “mediocre performance” is designed into the process due to inadequate coaching. Coaching is required to help employees develop to a level where flawless performance can even be approached.  Without it, you are just part of the masses of indistinguishable, mediocre performance.  This course will help your supervisors/managers improve their coaching skills so your operational execution can be a strength that helps you distinguish your business in the marketplace and reduces errors, delays, and rework.

Some of the other skills taught and developed in this class are: self-awareness, building trust, listening and effective communication, conflict resolution, performance management and motivation.